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Nutrition with Sammy, Eat the Rainbow


Who is Sammy?

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Sammy is the head Nutritionist and Educator of "Nutrition with Sammy".  As a mum of two young boys and dual business owner, Sammy knows just how difficult it can be to not only nourish ourselves, but get our kids interested in nutrition and nourish their bodies too! 

At the age of 11, Sammy experienced a panic attack which was the onset of what was termed Generalised Anxiety and Panic Disorder.  From this, she developed agoraphobia, social anxiety, depression and poor self-esteem which followed her throughout school into adulthood. 

Through that journey she discovered how certain food and lifestyle choices impacted on not just her health but her mood and the relationships around her.

Sammy began studying Nutritional Medicine and learnt just how much food played a role in our bodies. After becoming a mother, she unknowingly developed an obsession with eating "healthy" resulting in Orthorexia, a fear of "unhealthy" foods.  This unhealthy relationship with food was unconsciously being passed onto her children. It was her children that taught her food can bring us so much more than nutrients.  Having a healthy relationship with all foods was just as important for our overall health.

Sammy believes when it comes to our overall health, while nutrition plays a big role in this, it is so much more.  It’s the biochemical reactions within us, how we absorb, eliminate, move, think and feel

Through her years working in clinic with clients, Sammy also realised a lot of nutritional and lifestyle choices came down to habits created over time together with our emotions.  As a result of these findings, she also became a qualified Emotions and Mindset Coach helping others to heal from the very core. 

Sammy's Mission

Sammy combines 25+ years of life and clinical experience with her passion for entertaining into a whole new area.  Once working in with busy mums struggling to slow down, she now educates kids and adults, on just how incredible their bodies are and the fun ways we can nourish and love ourselves.

As a parent and having experienced a range of health issues growing up, Sammy discovered ways to captivate the attention of children in her own unique way.  Sharing her struggles throughout school (and the workspace) similar to what many kids and adults experience today. She also discusses how things they enjoy such as gaming, dancing and forming friendships can be directly impacting by how they nourish themselves daily.  

It is Sammy's mission to help kids and big kids (adults) get to know their bodies, listen to them and be empowered to make their own choices on what nourishes them well. This leads them to more energy, confidence and a readiness to live life to its fullest potential.


We are unique, we are amazing!

Sammy x 

Nutrition with Sammy Kids Workshops Brisbane
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